treadmill speed chart

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Treadmill Speed Chart

treadmill speed chart 1

I have recently started using Zombies, Run! (great game if you are into the undead and running)

One of the features is it gives you are pace in KM or Miles. Now I’m, admittedly, pretty slow with a 9min/km pace 

My wife is much faster than I am in her last Half Marathon she did it in just a lil over 2 hours flat.

I never knew how that compared so I found I was always looking up what that my pace would translate into for a 5K or Marathon.

Her pace is 5:50 mins per km so… yea… almost twice as fast per km as I am.

Looks like I have some work to do.

Below is a searchable chart so I never need to look it up again!

treadmill speed chart 1[table id=1 responsive=collapse /]

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